303 Spare Depo EME Lahore Cantt Telephone operator Store Man Supervisor Latest Jobs

303 Spare Depo EME Lahore Cantt Telephone operator Store Man Supervisor Latest Jobs

Name of Post:
Telephone Operator
Age Limit:
18 to 30
Name of Post:
High Skilled Grade II
Age Limit:
18 to 30
Post Name
Store man
Age Limit
18 to 30
Post Name
Supervisor Store
Age Limit
18 to 30
All other details are mentioned in below image. All candidates are requested to read carefully all terms and conditions as mention in advertisement before submit their application forms.
Advertisement published in Daily Express dated 1r October 2018. Last date closing date of submission of application forms 29 October 2018.

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303 Spare Depo EME Lahore Cantt Telephone operator Store Man Supervisor Latest Jobs 303 Spare Depo EME Lahore Cantt Telephone operator Store Man Supervisor Latest Jobs Reviewed by Pak Jobs Bank on October 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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